Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site

where Marko Kavčič exhibits his creations in a virtual gallery

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  • 434 photos are tagged with animal
  • 120 photos are tagged with autumn
  • 144 photos are tagged with bird
  • 74 photos are tagged with butterfly
  • 109 photos are tagged with drone
  • 315 photos are tagged with flower
  • 97 photos are tagged with forest
  • 59 photos are tagged with fungi
  • 146 photos are tagged with grass
  • 73 photos are tagged with green
  • 70 photos are tagged with ice
  • 170 photos are tagged with insect
  • 109 photos are tagged with lake
  • 483 photos are tagged with landscape
  • 75 photos are tagged with mammal
  • 65 photos are tagged with mountain
  • 74 photos are tagged with pink
  • 300 photos are tagged with plant
  • 70 photos are tagged with purple
  • 68 photos are tagged with red
  • 105 photos are tagged with reflection
  • 86 photos are tagged with river
  • 59 photos are tagged with smoketree
  • 115 photos are tagged with snow
  • 129 photos are tagged with tree
  • 61 photos are tagged with water
  • 102 photos are tagged with white
  • 117 photos are tagged with Winter
  • 65 photos are tagged with yellow
  • 96 photos are tagged with zoo
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Wolf head profile

Wolf head profile

Wolf head profile

A wolf is looking right.


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