Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site

where Marko Kavčič exhibits his creations in a virtual gallery

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  • 421 photos are tagged with animal
  • 120 photos are tagged with autumn
  • 142 photos are tagged with bird
  • 73 photos are tagged with butterfly
  • 106 photos are tagged with drone
  • 305 photos are tagged with Flower
  • 91 photos are tagged with forest
  • 59 photos are tagged with fungi
  • 144 photos are tagged with grass
  • 71 photos are tagged with green
  • 68 photos are tagged with ice
  • 162 photos are tagged with insect
  • 106 photos are tagged with lake
  • 473 photos are tagged with landscape
  • 73 photos are tagged with mammal
  • 62 photos are tagged with mountain
  • 73 photos are tagged with pink
  • 290 photos are tagged with plant
  • 67 photos are tagged with purple
  • 66 photos are tagged with red
  • 102 photos are tagged with reflection
  • 84 photos are tagged with river
  • 59 photos are tagged with smoketree
  • 113 photos are tagged with snow
  • 124 photos are tagged with tree
  • 61 photos are tagged with water
  • 92 photos are tagged with white
  • 114 photos are tagged with Winter
  • 65 photos are tagged with yellow
  • 96 photos are tagged with zoo

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Recent changes

  • photo

    Pink cherry flowers

  • photo

    Smoketrees and forest

  • photo

    Large skipper on a hazel leaf

  • photo

    Droplets on a red tulip

  • photo

    Reflections in a puddle

  • photo

    Grasshopper on a bud

  • photo

    Trees from above

  • photo

    Sun versus snow

  • photo

    Unopened yellow lady's slippers

  • photo

    Triceratops head

  • photo

    Hairy hairy alpenrose

  • photo

    Cow sits in grass

  • photo

    Road towards the mountains

  • photo

    Lesser mountain ringlet on needles

  • photo

    Rainbow parrot tulips

  • photo

    Sleeping mallard drake

  • photo

    Dwarf pines under the mountain

  • photo

    Calf looks back

  • photo

    Curled Turk's cap lily

  • photo

    Watering hole under a tree

  • photo

    Sailplane banks

  • photo

    Raspberries grow

  • photo

    Hummingbird hawk-moth over a purple flower

  • photo

    Pattern on the lake

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    Pink pyramidal orchid

  • photo

    Brimstone drinks from a yellow flower

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    River under a rock

  • photo

    Reflected crocuses

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    Daisy and a spider

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    Goose family

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    Trail through the forest

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    Traansparent burnet on a flower

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    Peacock on a purple flower

  • photo

    Fire lily and a bud

  • photo

    Young out of old

  • photo

    Meadow in the forest

  • photo

    Young larch cone

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    Bumblebee on a betony

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    Happy 2017

  • photo

    White cloud behind the meadow

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    Wart-biter in the grass

  • photo

    Dam after the spring

  • photo

    Golden globeflower

  • photo

    Toad among leaves

  • photo

    False acacia in the city

  • photo

    Dwarf alpenrose between rocks

  • photo

    Sunny side of the river

  • photo

    Underground hippo

  • photo

    Curvy forest road

  • photo

    Spotted longhorn visits a daisy

  • photo

    Stonefly on gravel

  • photo

    Boat under a willow

  • photo

    Curled bracken frond

  • photo

    Snow on half of a tree

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    Daphne striata and a fly

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    Red goldfish

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    Dam on the river

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    Three-toothed orchid

  • photo

    Bumblebee under a yellow flower

  • photo

    Rock above the valley

  • photo

    Suspension bridge

  • photo

    Yellow lady's slippers group

  • photo

    Gander looks over a gosling

  • photo

    Reflections behind a pier

  • photo

    Karst spring of Krupa

  • photo

    Tired black sheep

  • photo

    Large white on a dandelion

  • photo

    Scree from above

  • photo

    Snow under the mountains

  • photo

    Yellow lady's slipper closeup

  • photo

    Green lizard peaks

  • photo

    Blooming horse chestnut

  • photo

    Bee on a blackberry

  • photo

    Colorful river bank

  • photo

    Red admiral underside

  • photo

    Columbine from below

  • photo

    Crossroads in the forest

  • photo

    Grey heron in the sky

  • photo

    Red Persian buttercup

  • photo

    Lake shore

  • photo

    Curled bracken

  • photo

    Brimstone on a leaf

  • photo

    Colorful meadow edge

  • photo

    Donkey looks over a fence

  • photo

    Horse chestnut flower

  • photo

    White magnolia among hairy buds

  • photo

    Patches of tulips

  • photo

    Yellow swallowtail on a clover

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    Scarlet lily beetle on a leaf

  • photo

    Great crested grebe with a catch

  • photo

    Frowning head

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    Cottage behind crocuses

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    Broken hayrack and the moon

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    Bee visits a dandelion

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    Hill across from submerged bushes

  • photo

    Tulip spiral

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    Xmas rose by the trail

  • photo

    Railway over Ljubljanica

  • photo

    Mandarin drake by a pond

  • photo

    Rows of daffodils