Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site

where Marko Kavčič exhibits his creations in a virtual gallery

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  • 421 photos are tagged with animal
  • 120 photos are tagged with autumn
  • 142 photos are tagged with bird
  • 73 photos are tagged with butterfly
  • 106 photos are tagged with drone
  • 305 photos are tagged with Flower
  • 91 photos are tagged with forest
  • 59 photos are tagged with fungi
  • 144 photos are tagged with grass
  • 71 photos are tagged with green
  • 68 photos are tagged with ice
  • 162 photos are tagged with insect
  • 106 photos are tagged with lake
  • 473 photos are tagged with landscape
  • 73 photos are tagged with mammal
  • 62 photos are tagged with mountain
  • 73 photos are tagged with pink
  • 290 photos are tagged with plant
  • 67 photos are tagged with purple
  • 66 photos are tagged with red
  • 102 photos are tagged with reflection
  • 84 photos are tagged with river
  • 59 photos are tagged with smoketree
  • 113 photos are tagged with snow
  • 124 photos are tagged with tree
  • 61 photos are tagged with water
  • 92 photos are tagged with white
  • 114 photos are tagged with Winter
  • 65 photos are tagged with yellow
  • 96 photos are tagged with zoo

Tag: mammal

Tag: mammal

  • photo


  • photo

    Sea lion facepalm

  • photo

    Meerkat on guard

  • photo

    Tired ibex

  • photo

    Meerkat closeup

  • photo

    Golden-cheeked gibbon hanging

  • photo

    Sleeping red panda

  • photo

    Meerkats at play

  • photo

    Wolf with lunch

  • photo

    Lynx coming

  • photo

    Squirrel munching

  • photo

    Resting foal

  • photo

    Red squirrel holds food

  • photo

    Squirrel eats salad

  • photo

    Coypu huddle

  • photo

    Buckskin horse on snow

  • photo

    Zebra mane

  • photo

    Wet young coypu

  • photo

    Cat on a leash

  • photo

    Friendly cat

  • photo

    Goat in grass

  • photo

    Sleepy orange cat

  • photo

    Coypu scratch

  • photo

    See lion yawn

  • photo

    Two cats peer

  • photo

    Wild piglet

  • photo

    Cat with a hurt leg

  • photo

    Coypu in water

  • photo

    Dog in water

  • photo

    Munching coypu

  • photo

    Stoat among crocuses

  • photo

    Ibex family rests

  • photo

    Merkaat guard

  • photo

    Young donkey

  • photo

    Cow sitting in grass

  • photo

    Calf with mom

  • photo

    Sleepy leopard

  • photo

    Wolf licking lips

  • photo

    Meerkat sits

  • photo

    Sitting tiger

  • photo

    See lion basks

  • photo

    Zebra teeth

  • photo

    Retriever retrieves from water

  • photo

    Meerkat feeding time

  • photo

    Lechwe bows

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    Cheetah about to sit

  • photo

    Giraffe's head

  • photo

    Curled cat

  • photo

    Colorful goat kid

  • photo

    Meerkats on guard

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    Sleepy bear

  • photo

    Fluffy white wolf

  • photo

    Red panda looks away

  • photo

    Cheetah in the grass

  • photo

    Sea lion jump

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    Horses under a tree

  • photo

    Cow looks back

  • photo

    Round cat

  • photo

    Thirsty calf

  • photo

    Hungry calf on the horizon

  • photo

    Black-white cat on stairs

  • photo

    Red panda looks back

  • photo

    Ginger cat basks

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    Mostly white cat poses

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    Lamb bites its behind

  • photo

    Calf with a white mark

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    Lambs on pasture

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    White horse on snow

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    Wolf head profile

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    Donkey looks over a fence

  • photo

    Tired black sheep

  • photo

    Calf looks back

  • photo

    Cow sits in grass