Tag: purple
Wet mountain anemone bud
Dwarf periwinkle
Purple pasture
Chapel, snow and crocuses
Pierced wood cranesbill
Spring crocus closeup
Knapweeds and marbled white
Dog's tooth violet on leaves
Lungwort is hairy
Bumblebee on a purple coneflower
Clustered bellflower in the sun
Double iris
Bellflowers on a wall
Clump of liverworts
Hairy clustered bellflower
Bumblebee inside a fritillary
Row of crocuses
Yellow-purple tulips
Bee on a purple field scabious
Purple coneflowers among orange coneflowers
Purple cyclamen
Naked ladies in the grass
Last knapweed flower
Meadow brown on a purple coneflower
Corydalis cava and a ghost of another
Inside a snake's head fritillary
Pasture turned purple
White and purple at Mala Planina
Crocus in front of some more
Crocuses and Ojstrica
Trail through crocuses
White and purple crocuses
Purple-edged lake
Meadow brown on a knapweed
Naked ladies in gravel
Milk thistle flower
Mountains anemone from below
Mala planina from higher up
Fringed gentian spreads
Crocus group
Snake's Head Fritillary from below
Twin Snake's Head Fritillaries
Withering mezereum
Purple tulip
Crocuses take over
Bumblebee on top of thistle
Fringed purple bud
Bee sits on a purple coneflower
Liverwort shines
Shiny knapweed
Hairy columbine
Naked lady spreads
Insect under a knapweed
Pair of bees on purple
Three flower mezereum
Greater pasque flower from the side
Stump and crocuses
Four spring crocuses
Red and purple flowers
Crocuses everywhere
Cottage behind crocuses
Columbine from below
Three-toothed orchid
Daphne striata and a fly
Traansparent burnet on a flower
Grasshopper on a bud
Bumblebee on top of knapweed
Drone fly on a knapweed
Crocuses between trees
Big magnolia flowers